Monday, December 8, 2008

What's Christmas without a decorated tree?

This year we moved the tree into our front room so we can see the lights of it from the outside. It was Brooke and Brittany's first time to help. (They have been in bed all the years past.) We had a great time and of course the twins screamed for joy when we pulled out all the bright colored balls! I love the time together putting up a tree. Christmas music playing in the background and a fire in the fireplace. What's more magical than that?


  1. how fun, i love the pictures. i'm trying to decorate today too. but we still have to buy our tree. who knows, by now, we will probably end up with a charlie brown tree since most are probably all picked out. :) but it will be fun none the less

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time!
    So fun to make those memories with your kids!

  3. Wow I love your new Christmas blog background! Where have I seen that before???

  4. I am so glad it goes so sweetly in your home, it is a little bit interesting when we do the whole put up the Christmas tree thing.I do love the finished product and in our home it is like a shopping mall with Christmas music playing all the time in the background.

  5. Oh I love it!!! They all look so darn sweet~ I love the twins in their tiny diapers decorating the tree. Christmas is so much fun!!!! Thank you again for yor sweet messages, you have been such a blessing to me!!! Please kiss Hunter for me!
