Monday, February 16, 2009

Guitar Hero Night

Did you ever think your dad was soooooooo cool? This is dedicated to Barry- the coolest dad on the block. (He has no idea I am posting these pictures).

After Christmas, Hunter was begging Barry to play Guitar Hero with him. Finally about 9:00 at night, Barry said he needed to "get in the groove" for it. He then spent the next 20 min. in the bathroom. Low and behold- out came ROCK MAN!!!


  1. SHUT UP!!! that is absolutely HILARIOUS!!!! I'm loving the total rocker get up and the mini guitar :) Can I just say how blessed we are to get the opportunity to hang out with "super cool" this weekend. We will have to play rock band while we are there at least once. I have to see him in person and maybe get his autograph. :) can't wait to see you guys!!!

    what if we stuck around until monday? let me know if that would cause any problems. Love you guys

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyy goshhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Frickin hilarious.

  3. Ditto for above comment! Rock on dude!

  4. That is so funny! LOL! I'm sure Barry really appreciates you putting it here, however my family is fully aware that if they pose for a picture...they take the chance that it'll show up on my blog! What a crackup!

  5. That is something. I know my husband would do that a moments notice.That is just to great.

  6. I would never have guessed that was Barry. I though it must be some weird distant relative. Awesome. Totally.
